Rewriting sentences exercises pdf with answers

Exercises with many possible answers those asking students to imitate a sentence or revise a paragraph, for example are not answered here. Rewriting sentences without participle constructions. Home exams cambridge sentence transformations for the b2 first in pdf. With the help of this article paraphrasing exercises with answers you will do better at paraphrasing. Nadal april 5, 2016 grammar tests, beginner, english, grammar, intermediate no comments. Rewriting exercise at b1 b2 level learnenglish languagewell. When going to london, they always did a sightseeing tour. There are many ways to do this, with suggested answers at the bottom. Past perfect exercise 4 rewrite sentences english grammar. Conditionals exercise 2 this is similar to exercise 1 but has different sentences. Back to past perfect online and pdf exercises with answers. We will arrest them for illegal entry in the country, the policeman said.

On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the following sentences into one smooth sentence. I dont have a computer so i cant type the essay on english grammar. The best rewrite sentences engine to improve your text. Conditional sentences are one of the important parts of english grammar. How could you rewrite the following sentences using the suggested alternative conditional words. Sentence correction worksheets english for everyone. Imagine having to sit and read throughout the content of your paper. You will need to make compound or complex sentences.

This worksheets contains 3 kinds of rewriting sentence exercises to help students practice the use of english and grammar. This grammar exercise tests your knowledge basic grammar rules and structures. Part 4 of the b2 first exam is a rephrasing exercise, or as it is probably better known key word transformations or sentence transformations, is probably the most dreaded and detested part of the use of. Rephrase the following sentences using the starters given so that they express the same as the original sentences. Paraphrasing is one of the most accessible tools in the english language that allows you to create original content from scratch. This is usually known by many names like rearranging of words, rearranging sentences jumbled words, word order exercises, make a sentence with the word, put the words in the correct order to make sentences, sentence order, sentence formation. Pet b1 english test rewrite sentences tests were designed to help you practice english writing skills for pet b1 english test. Rewrite the sentences without using the participle constructions. Although the rain was falling heavily, they continued with the football match. Rewrite each sentence, without changing meaning, beginning as shown. Pet writing part 1 transformations exercise clasesaennar. Conditional sentences rewrite the following sentences using the first and second conditional.

If i were you, id take the train instead of the bus. Conditional sentences exercises with answers all types. How to do rephrasing b1 preliminary english test free. Luckily nick has a mobile phone so he was able to phone his boss and warn her that he would be late. It gets more difficult if you do not see anything wrong with what you have previously written. They couldnt do that difficult exercise werent able to do. Dogs, the earth and, harsha are used as the subjects in these sentences. The correct answer to any of our sentence correction questions will have all of the following 4 characteristics. Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs in brackets. Part 4 of the b2 first exam is a rephrasing exercise, or as it is. These simple sentences worksheets are for students at the beginner and intermediate level. Best article rewriter tool to reword sentences completely. If you know about conditional sentences then you can easily construct conditional sentences in your communication. Being an exemplary pupil, he always does his homework.

Rewrite each sentence, without changing meaning, beginning. You should write down the answers and the common vocabulary. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. Briefly, a rewriter tool can be used to reword sentences, paragraphs and even longform content as essays. You must use between three and eight words, including the word. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary. Rewrite conditional sentences english esl worksheets. Part 4 of the b2 first exam is a rephrasing exercise, or as it is probably better known key word transformations or sentence transformations, is probably the most dreaded and detested part of the use of english section.

Answers to the oddnumbered exercises are given in the instructors answer key only. The first conditional exercises pdf worksheets with answers rewrite sentences and keep the same meaning. Home english grammar exercises participle clauses exercise. In this exercise you will practise using the correct structures which follow despite, in spite of, although and even though. Nadal april 5, 2016 beginner, english, grammar, grammar tests, intermediate no comments. The predicate part of the sentences begins with the verb. For exercises, you can reveal the answers first submit worksheet and print the page to have the exercise and the answers. Paraphrasing exercises with answers article rewriter tool. Rearranging jumbled words exercises 7 and 8 edumantra. Here are 2 new exercises to help practice some of the lessons given in my article on the various methods that can be used to rewrite english sentences. Remember, there may be many ways to combine each of these sentences. Now that my children are all employed, i have no financial difficulties 3. The answers are to be written on both sides of the paper.

Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning. Germs are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye 5. Conditional sentences rewrite the following sentences. The research will continue if there is enough funding. Exercise on reported speech 03 learn english online free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on english language. As soon as the hunter raised his gun the birds flew away 6. She ate all the chocolates herself instead of sharing them with her friends. Sentence and paragraph writing takes students from basic sentence writing skills at. A simple sentence is a sentence structure that contains one independent clause and no dependent clauses. We have a new feature to adapt to the new online teaching circumstances.

Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Part i rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that. Part i rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. The correct answer must correct all of the errors in the underlined text. Sentence transformation worksheets cambridge university press. Its possible that jane will visit switzerland next year. English grammar practice exercise, upperintermediate. In the article below i cover conditional sentences exercises with answers, test the knowledge of your conditional sentences by writing the sentences below on a paper, then check the correct answers.

Simple exercises to practice rewriting english sentences using a large. First conditional exercises pdf worksheets english grammar. Complex sentences sentence combining four types of. You can make use of it as a mean to simplify the meaning and make it clearer, or to focus on a different audience. Tags english language, grammar, languagewell, rewrite sentences, rewriting exercise rewrite b1b2 grammar exercise 2 10 replies on rewriting exercise at b1 b2 level. Third conditional pdf exercises with answer keys to download for free.

D rewrite the sentences by using is, isnt, am, am not. Edumantra understands that rearranging the words, rearranging. Rewrite the sentence while the meaning of the sentence does not change. Cleft sentences from longman advanced learners grammar. Unit 34 nick turned up late for work on monday because he got stuck in a traf. Our simple sentences worksheets are free to download and easy to access in pdf format. Now that my children are all employed, i have no financial difficulties.

Rewrite the sentences below but keep the same meaning. Talking about problems is the only way to deal with them in a satisfactory way. Complex sentences sentence combining four types of sentences compoundcomplex sentences misplaced modifiers. The house is spacious enough to accommodate them all 4. An exercise in which the students are supposed to rewrite the sentences. There are 5 questions in this part of the exam, you are to read a sentence and then complete the second sentence with 1. Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original. The good news is that there are now ways for you to do the rewrite my sentence task without making it too difficult. These exercises involve rewriting given sentences based on a specific component or rule and it combines a large number of different methods.

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